Reducing or eliminating stress can make you years younger, healthier, and immeasurably happier. Best of all it’s not that difficult

The majority of the things that we worry about will never happen! Probably 95% of our stress is completely imaginary, caused entirely by us, and is totally removable. Think for a second, how many things have we worried ourselves about, and then those things have never come to pass? Quite a few I would imagine. It’s a difficult pill to swallow, but we have to do it. Once we acknowledge that we are the cause of our own distress we are then in a fantastic position to go to work on greatly improving our quality of life.

Think about this, worry is an entirely counter productive pass time. Any matter we might possibly concern ourselves with, falls into one of two categories.

1. It is a situation which we have no control whatsoever over - In this case worrying cannot change a single thing, in fact all worry will do is disable us. We must accept what we cannot change, not worry about it.


2. It is a situation in which we have some control over - In which case your are best served by using the mind in seeking a solution, not worrying about the problem and possible negative outcomes.

Either way, which ever situation we find ourselves in, worry will only serve to make the situation worse, not better. Train yourself to seek solutions to problems. Become engrossed in problem solving. Do this and you will have little time to worry!

This can be tough to start with, we need to retrain the way we think, not an easy task. But it can be done. Start by accepting the spiritual law that there are no accidents and no coincidences. All life throws at us serves a higher purpose, our higher purpose. All things are working to our good. We cannot possibly know what we do not know until we know it.

Situations that seem devastating in the present, show a clear meaning at a later time. These lessons are not always pleasant, but they are necessary. Quite often we must suffer short term loss to achieve long term gain. Understand this and it becomes considerably easier to not worry.

Some aspects of life we have no control over, these we must accept. The aspects of life we do have control over we must take control of. We must win in the areas where it is easy to win. Psychology, medication, hypnotherapy and the like, maybe they work, maybe don’t. There are however some very basic things that most certainly do work, and we all can do them.

  • Eat a healthier diet
  • Good sleep habits
  • Moderate alcohol intake
  • Exercise
  • Seek books and learning on the subject

These things are easy and can be done by all. Do this alone and see how drastically life improves. These step alone have been proven to lift depression and reduce stress. Incorporate this as part of an overall program and you are well on your way to success.

Develop time management skills. The majority of stress causing events could have been avoided if dealt with at the appropriate time and in an efficient manner. Minor problems become crises if not dealt with. Kill the monster at birth, do not allow it to grow into a fully grown beast before deciding to deal with it. Of course you're going to stress if you do this. Be smart, plan you time and execute. Procrastination is our enemy.

Change you focus, learn to look at things differently. How we see a matter will determine how we feel about it. Change your focus, change your feelings. Get you finances under control. Money is the single biggest cause of stress. It need not be. Abundant wealth is available to all of us. We can all have all the money we need to never concern ourselves with its lack ever again. Lets take the time to explore and learn how. Imagine life free from the worry of money. It’s well worth the time! Trust me.

All in all this is a very brief overview, and by no means exhaustive. Follow the links and explore to learn more on specific details and how to's on the matters mentioned. A considerable amount of work is going to be needed to successfully and permanently bring change , but it is worth it. You can have a stress free life. That’s your reward.

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