100 Person Challenge
The 100 person challenge. Here is my suggestion, the next 100 people you have the opportunity to speak with, ask them “what do you want out of life?”. You will probably find that the vast majority will simply be unable to answer the question, and those who do answer will be very vague indeed.
Some will answer a comfortable life, but when asked further, have no definition for a what a comfortable life is. Others will say happiness, but again have no clue as to what happiness is comprised of. Some will say money, but again when questioned have no idea how much money. Only maybe one or possibly two people will be able to tell you what they want in detail and have any kind of plan to get it.
So what’s my point? Hopefully if you do this you will begin to see why people are where they are, and how they could easily change that by re-focusing their thinking. Life is not a roll of the dice determined by birth and privilege, but a choice made by you. You will see that virtually everybody is where they are as a result of their decisions and choices that they have made, or lack of them.
Imagine for a minute there is a magic genie that gives you all you want. The genie asks you “what do you want master?” and what is the average response to this? “I don’t know!” The genies can do nothing for you until you do something for yourself and decide what you want.
Where are you? Do you know what you want? Do you have goals, purpose and direction or are you just drifting, hoping for the best? If this is the case I really encourage you to ask yourself some pressing questions. If you behave as the 99% you will achieve the same results as the 99%. I think anybody who would read this article would hope for more than that for themselves.
The reason I encourage you to ask as many people as possible this question is because people around you are probably going to reflect your views, the mirror never lies, you will be able to clearly see your own thoughts and behavior in them making it much easier to identify those qualities in yourself.
100 Person Challenge
Goal Setting
Finding Success
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