Self Confidence, The Reward Of A Strong Belief System

In our quest for self confidence there is good reason we have taken the time to thoroughly develop a workable belief system. That reason being, once established, our belief system, or value system if you like becomes the backbone of our decision making processes.

All decision of any consequence must be measured against our belief system. We cannot violate this belief system by taking action that goes against it. The outcome is not relevant. If in order to maintain our integrity we must make a decision that causes an outcome that is not favorable for us, we do it anyway.

The long term effects of violating our own beliefs is catastrophic, rapidly eroding our self confidence and moving us toward the polar opposite of what it is we are seeking. To act in a way that knowingly does this is to guarantee pain and is first class foolishness.

What we have established here is also called character and carries many benefits.

As we now know what we are doing here in our pursuit of happiness is creating an environment in which what we want will grow. This environment essentially is an internal one, or a state of mind to be more precise. Get it right on the inside and everything else on the outside will just show up. It really is that easy!

Creating and following our belief system carries many good benefits. A few things you can expect to see as a result of your work are,

  • Good health
  • A clear conscience - critical to happiness
  • High levels of self esteem - critical to happiness
  • High levels of confidence - guess what? Critical to happinessfinancial, emotional and relationship success

When we have clear set of internal standards we are set free from the need to conform to the standards of others

We become independent of the good opinion of others. We no longer need their approval. The only standards that we need to meet are our own. This allows us to act in ways needed to bring us to our desired goals, hence the development of self confidence and self esteem.

A word of warning, it is not that we don’t value the approval of others or we don’t value their opinion, no, we just simply don’t need it. No need to become arrogant or dismissive of others. This will only slow us down, or even turn us in the wrong direction. Our approval and validation simply is internal and completely self contained. We can confidently act in the face of opposition and still sleep well, knowing we have been true to ourselves. A large step in the right direction.

Some leading experts in this area that are highly recommended and well worth checking out are Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Brian Tracy and Wayne Dyer. For those interested in self hypnosis check out instant confidence by Paul Mckenna, also very good. self confidence home

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