Changing Self Image, Where To Begin

Changing self image is the beginning of changing every aspect of life. The importance of this is referred to constantly throughout this website and is the foundation of all self improvement. Let me explain further, all achievement in life is based on our level of action and participation. This level of action is determined by our own evaluation of our ability and worthiness to perform in that situation. If we do not feel worthy we will not act, if we do not act we get no results. The sad part here is that our evaluation of ourselves is rarely accurate and is simply not based in reality all. We are all capable of much more than we could ever imagine. Changing self image equals changing results.

You see it is not the level of aptitude or natural ability that is significant as this is usually present or very quickly developed (though usually it is just not recognized by the individual in possession of it). Rather, it is the way we see ourselves that determines what the world sees of us. Some of the most talented individuals I have ever met view themselves as failures in their fields. Bizarre in the extreme!
If we can improve our self image then every area of life that relates to that image will just miraculously improve, almost as if by itself. Any skill or aptitude will simply show up.

So many people are so close to what they desire it is literally obtainable within weeks or months, all that would be needed would be a shift of consciousness and the world would be their oyster. This is probably the case with you also.

I can’t emphasize strongly enough how important it is to give time and study to this, simply because the rewards are so colossal. You can literally live your wildest fantasy everyday. Life can become truly limitless. I implore you to take action and work diligently on your own self image. I have nothing to gain in this, the benefit is all yours.

The subject is addressed in many places on this site as well as there being some very good literature available. To get started here are a few exercises that can help.

-Spend 20-30 minutes a day visualizing your ideal situation, work, home, family etc. See it in your mind, feel, smell it and believe it. Pay no attention to present reality, simply fantasize. Make this as vivid and real as you can. If you do not understand the purpose of this do not worry, do it anyway. You will soon begin to understand why you are doing it as time goes on.

-Decide clearly how you wish to feel about yourself and then use only language that supports those feeling. Accept praise and do no be unrealistically critical of yourself either outwardly or inwardly.

-Study people who have what you want. It is how they think and act that we are interested in, if you behave in the same way you will get the same results. Read biographies, study videos, look at body movement, it is all important. Look to model success.

-Believe that this kind of success is possible and available to you. You might have to fake to convince yourself, but if you do it enough your belief will begin to shift and when it does so will your level of success.

-Persevere, this is not easy and will take a little time, but stick with it, the results will come, as your changing self image improves, so will your life.

So that’s a start, seek as much education as you can and as always good luck.

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