“I discovered a simple secret about women that TRANSFORMED my dating success. Can I share with you this same secret and show you how you to can achieve phenomenal results when it comes to dating?”

Dear Friend,

Are you...

  • Feeling lonely, isolated and helpless to do anything about it when it comes to women?
  • Worried that you are getting older and your chance of love is slipping away?
  • Tired of standing on the sidelines and watching as others around you are finding love?
  • Do you just not know how to approach and talk to women?

If so, here is the good news...

It doesn't have to be that way, you can easily learn the skills required to overcome this and attract into your life the relationship, love or romance that we all long for.

What Women Find Attractive is Completely Different to What Men Find Attractive

Luckily for us, women are not vein, shallow or superficial creatures like us men and that is great news!! Women are attracted to different qualities, qualities that can be developed.

Follow The Formula

Dating success is a formula, it doesn't matter that you're...

  • Not Brad Pitt
  • Balding
  • A little older
  • A touch over weight
Your physical appearance to a woman is not nearly as important to her as her appearance is to you. In this same way she values qualities in a man than a man does not necessarily find attractive or value in her.

Do Not Make The Mistake Of Thinking That Women Think Like You!

Learn the qualities women value and develop them and you cannot help but become attractive to females.

Dating Success Seminar Classes

"Dating Success, The Truth of Attraction" is a 2 hour masterclass where you will learn...

  • How to overcome the subconscious blocks that are holding you back from dating success.
  • Exactly what qualities fires a woman's attraction mechanism.
  • How to develop these qualites.
  • How to approach women and what to say.
  • The best and worse places to meet women.
  • How a woman thinks differently from you.
  • What never to do, how to avoid common mistakes.
  • How to overcome the fear of rejection.

"This is a wonderful course with solid advice that works. This course has made all the difference in my life. Thank you Cody for such a positive message in the world. I applaud you!" - James Schnider, London.

"To put it simply, Cody is awesome...you have an amazing outlook on life, thank you for sharing it" - Dan Walsh, Manchester.

Attend 100% Risk Free

If you are not Completely satisfied with this course, I will refund your money 100% No Questions Asked
Special Offer
only£29.77(Limited Time)

That's Less Than The Cost Of One Date!!

Please Send Me Details Of Courses In My Area

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Act Now,Seating Is Limited

Class sizes are small and space is limited so act now to be sure to secure your seat at the next event.

Best of luck with your dating endeavors and I hope to see you at an event soon.

Your Friend,

Cody Butler