Marriage not on the same page

First, I love my wife very much! We just got married four months ago. However, it's kind of like she has changed. One day she is positive and happy. The next day she is acting like a bitch. Before we got married, she voluntarily sent me all her expenses since "we would be sharing the bills, etc." Before we got married it was like we were on the same page. Now, we are not. I signed us up for Dave Ramsey a several weeks ago (she was on board)then she backed out and doesn't want to share expenses. I keep trying to plan for our future - trying to sell my house, plan for her child's college fund... get all her stuff out of her house.. blah, blah, blah. She at first is telling me yes about things and plans then puts up the wall and says no. It keeps me in a state of confusion. She never follows through with anything she says. She was not like this when we were planning to get married. What do I do.

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Dec 01, 2008
by: Anonymous

Thanks! Yeah, she knows something is wrong with me and I am holding back. I am trying to wait to say anything because I don't want it to be me attacking her. And it's not just about finances. It's about anything and every thing to do with trying to plan for our future... she just shuts the door in my face once I think we are going in the same direction. It's very confusing and then all of the sudden she doesn't want to return any of our friends phone calls or go shopping or anything .. it's just strange behavior.

Dec 01, 2008
Marriage advice
by: Cody

OK, obviously I don't know you or your situation so I may be completely wrong, but it sounds as though your wife is trying to communicate a need to you that you are not quite understanding. I'm guessing that the expenses for her are not an issue at all, she wants you to understand her situation not solve it.

Every time she backs out of a plan maybe she is just trying to subtly let you know that it is not your help she wants, it's you.

If somethings not working don't keep doing the same thing, try something a little different. Different behavior will bring about a different response. Keep in mind she's probably talking to her friends too, saying I don't know him anymore either. Rarely is a problem one sided. She's probably as frustrated as you!

I would talk to her, but don't make the conversation about expenses make it about you and how you can be a better husband. I guarantee if you ask her "how can I be a better husband?" she will tell you and then ask you how she can be a better wife? As long as you can keep it reasonable and constructive you will be on the right track.

Best of luck, hope it works out.

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