Going through a tough time, depressed, any help?

by Syra
(Bowling Green, Ky)

Well, life's been kind of rough on me lately. I quit my job about two months ago and so money's been tight. My grandfather has cancer and it doesn't look good. It's been really hard to see him this way, I'm really close to him. My family seems to be falling apart at the seems. And the list goes on.

I'm about 2/3 through school and now I'm questioning if my major is really what I want to do for the rest of my life. I feel like I'd love to be doing something else (my dream) but I can't because I have to be realistic, it's almost like I can't afford to follow my dream. I've been thinking about this for the past 6 months, so this isn't new, either. It's depressing.

Any advice for me, so hopefully I can get back on track with my future?

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Sep 03, 2008
Depression advice
by: Cody

HI Syra,
Your dream is aways realistic, you just don't know how yet, that doesn't mean it's not possible. Don't give up, just keep looking for the way. Your situation is understandable, uncertainty everywhere. My advice would be really, you've got to stop this from turning into full blown depression. It's going to be tough now, it's really going to be tough if you don't get on top of this while you still have a chance.

The answer to this is tough and lengthy but you can do it. Have a look through the depression section for some specific advice on how to get this under control.

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